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Category: News

WTNH – Clinical trial targets advanced lung cancer

The Oncology Report – Lung-MAP trial launched, matching patients to treatments based on tumor profiles

Associated Press – New Study Aims to Rapidly Test Lung Cancer Drugs

CenterWatch: “U.S. cancer researchers launching five-drug personalized medicines trial”

Reuters: “New kind of trial aims to speed cancer drug development”

Genome Web: “Amid Regulatory and Reimbursement Difficulties, Some Encouraging Advancements for Personalized Rx”

ASCO Post: “Activation of Innovative Lung Cancer Master Protocol Officially Announced, Enrollment to Begin in March”

Nature Medicine: “Multicompany Trials Adapt to Disciplines Beyond Cancer”

The Economist: “Getting close and personal: Researchers and drug companies are ganging up for a new push against cancer”

Oncology Times: “Unique Trial Protocol Announced for Lung Cancer”